1. Trypanosoma
Trypanosoma is a zooflagellate protozoan parasite it is usually founding the blood of vertebrates, finally invading cerebrospinal fluid. It is an endoparasite, blood parasite, extra cellular parasite. It has a nucleus, a flagellum, undulating membrane, blepharoplast (basal granule) and Kinotoplst. Trypanosoma is polymorphic and has four forms; Leis mania, Leptomonad, Crithidial and Trypanosomal (= Metacyclic) stages. It reproduces asexually, no sexually reproduction.
Trypanosoma is a zooflagellate protozoan parasite it is usually founding the blood of vertebrates, finally invading cerebrospinal fluid. It is an endoparasite, blood parasite, extra cellular parasite. It has a nucleus, a flagellum, undulating membrane, blepharoplast (basal granule) and Kinotoplst. Trypanosoma is polymorphic and has four forms; Leis mania, Leptomonad, Crithidial and Trypanosomal (= Metacyclic) stages. It reproduces asexually, no sexually reproduction.
It is digenetic; it completes its life cycle in two hosts. The primary or principal or definite host is man and the intermediate or secondary host vector is the insect, tsetse fly or bug. Three important species of Tryanosoma for which man is host are: Trypanosoma gambiense, T.rhodesiensi and T. cruzi.
Trypanosoma gambiense was discovered by Forde in 1901. T. gambiense is the causative agent of African sleeping sickness or Gambian trypanosomiasis. Trypanosoma gambiense is confined to west and central parts of Africa, particularly Nigeria and Congo. The chief vector hosts of T. gambiense transmitting the disease from one to another is the tsetse fly, Glossina palpalis. Occasionaly, Glossina tachinoides also act as a vector.
T. rhodesiensi causes Rhodesian trypanosomiasis, it is confined to east and central parts of Africa, particularly Rhodesia. The insect vectors for T. rhodesiense are tsetse flies mainly Glossina morsitans and G. pallidipes.
T. cruzi is the causative agent of South American trypanosomiasis or Chaga's disease. T. ceuzi is transmitted by bugs like Triatoma and Panstrongylus. Symptoms of Chaga's disease are fever, diarrhoea, anaemia and enlargement of lymphoid glands, etc.
T. brucei causes Nagana disease, Vector is Glossina morsitans.
T. evansi causes surra disease, Vector is tabanid fly.
2. Leishmania
Leishmania is a pathogenic blood flagellate. It is digenetic intermediate host (vector) is sandfly belonging to the genus Phlebotomus. Leishmania donovani causes Kala-azar or visceral leishmaniasis. Kala-azar is also called Dum Dum fever, infaction occurs ciefly in spleen and liver, secondarily in bone marrow and intestinal villi. L. tropica causes 'Oriental sore' or cutaneous leishmaniasis in men or Delhi sores. Direct transmission of Oriental sore by contact with wound is also possible.
L. brasiliensis causes 'Espundia' or naso-oral leishmaniasis in South America. Espundia is characterized by lesion upon skin and mucous membrane of nose, mouth, pharynx and rarely of vagina.
3. Giardia
Giardia is commonly nick nameed as the "Grand Old Man of Intestine". It occurs in the upper part of the human intestine. Transmission occurs through food and water contamined with faeces with faeces of aninfected person. There are two nuclei and four pairs (one anterior and three posterior) of backwardly directedflagella. Two supporting needle-like auxostyles are also present. It causes epigastric pain, abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea, headache and sometimes fever. The disease caused by Giardia is popularly known as giardiasis. All times the parasites form cysts which pass out of the stool and become the source of infection to others.
4. Trichomonas vaginalis
It inhabits vagina of women and causes the disease known as leucorrhoea. The disease is characterised bt burning sensation, itching and forthy discharge. Transmission is through sex. In males the parasite produces irritation in urethra. An axostyle is present. Nutrition is both holozoic and saprobic.
Trichomonas tenax (= T. buccalis) resides in the buccal cavity while T. homonis is found in large intestine. Both are nearly harmless.
5. Trichonympha campanula
This zooflagellate occurs as a symbiont in the intestine of the termites. Trichonympha secretes cellulose digesting enzymes β-glucosidases which convert cellulose into glucose. The digested food is shared by the termite. Without Trichonympha the termites starve and die.
Lophomonas blat arum: This zoo flagellate occurs as a symbiont in the intestine of wood roaches. Lophomonas secretes enzymes for digestion of cellulose. The digested food is shared by the zooflaagellate and the roach.
Trypanosoma gambiense was discovered by Forde in 1901. T. gambiense is the causative agent of African sleeping sickness or Gambian trypanosomiasis. Trypanosoma gambiense is confined to west and central parts of Africa, particularly Nigeria and Congo. The chief vector hosts of T. gambiense transmitting the disease from one to another is the tsetse fly, Glossina palpalis. Occasionaly, Glossina tachinoides also act as a vector.
T. rhodesiensi causes Rhodesian trypanosomiasis, it is confined to east and central parts of Africa, particularly Rhodesia. The insect vectors for T. rhodesiense are tsetse flies mainly Glossina morsitans and G. pallidipes.
T. cruzi is the causative agent of South American trypanosomiasis or Chaga's disease. T. ceuzi is transmitted by bugs like Triatoma and Panstrongylus. Symptoms of Chaga's disease are fever, diarrhoea, anaemia and enlargement of lymphoid glands, etc.
T. brucei causes Nagana disease, Vector is Glossina morsitans.
T. evansi causes surra disease, Vector is tabanid fly.
2. Leishmania
L. brasiliensis causes 'Espundia' or naso-oral leishmaniasis in South America. Espundia is characterized by lesion upon skin and mucous membrane of nose, mouth, pharynx and rarely of vagina.
3. Giardia
Giardia is commonly nick nameed as the "Grand Old Man of Intestine". It occurs in the upper part of the human intestine. Transmission occurs through food and water contamined with faeces with faeces of aninfected person. There are two nuclei and four pairs (one anterior and three posterior) of backwardly directedflagella. Two supporting needle-like auxostyles are also present. It causes epigastric pain, abdominal discomfort, diarrhoea, headache and sometimes fever. The disease caused by Giardia is popularly known as giardiasis. All times the parasites form cysts which pass out of the stool and become the source of infection to others.
4. Trichomonas vaginalis
Trichomonas tenax (= T. buccalis) resides in the buccal cavity while T. homonis is found in large intestine. Both are nearly harmless.
5. Trichonympha campanula
This zooflagellate occurs as a symbiont in the intestine of the termites. Trichonympha secretes cellulose digesting enzymes β-glucosidases which convert cellulose into glucose. The digested food is shared by the termite. Without Trichonympha the termites starve and die.
Lophomonas blat arum: This zoo flagellate occurs as a symbiont in the intestine of wood roaches. Lophomonas secretes enzymes for digestion of cellulose. The digested food is shared by the zooflaagellate and the roach.
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